All tagged Blindness

Are You Listening to God?

Throughout my journey with blindness, I have learned many lessons.

Lessons that could be applied not only to my sight loss but to grief, relationships, and even to God.

While learning to navigate the world without my sight using a white cane, one of the first techniques I was taught was how to use my ears.

At street crossings, I was instructed on how to pay close attention to the sounds of traffic. By doing so, I could determine whether traffic was flowing, the direction the cars were moving, and if it was safe for me to cross the street.

Is God Your Sighted Guide?

When I am not using my white cane or guide dog as my eyes, I must rely on another person to be my “sighted guide”…

This means that, as I hold on to my companion’s elbow, they lead me around obstacles and along a safe, clear path.

At least, that is the intention!

In this way, I can navigate by feeling how the other person moves as well as by relying on their verbal directions and cues.

Grief Is the Grinch That Stole Christmas

2015 was the first year that I ever remember not looking forward to Christmas.

It had always been my absolute favorite holiday, filled with family traditions, magical memories, and lots of Christmas cookies! That year, however, as the season approached, I began to dread adorning the tree with lights, watching my favorite holiday movies, and enjoying all of the beautiful decorations.

Why? Because I wouldn’t be able to see any of it.

I had lost my sight that May, so in my mind, no amount of Christmas cheer could prepare me for all of the changes that my blindness would bring to the beloved holiday.

It's What Inside That Counts

We all are guilty of making some questionable decisions when we are young.

Especially in high school, we get pulled into strange fashion trends, risky behavior in an effort to fit in, and going to great lengths in order to be seen as appealing to others.

When I was a senior in high school, I let one of my friends talk me into dyeing my hair. My natural color, a dirty blonde shade, had never been touched with color before, but I wanted it to be blonder.

Thus, the bleaching and dyeing began.

3 Ways to Pursue Peace

Jazz and Jambalaya, bayous and banana fosters, Cajun cooking, and riverboat cruising

New Orleans has long since been on my travel bucket list, and I was so excited to get to visit a few years back with my parents. 

Now, we all know that NOLA has a bit of a reputation, so before my arrival, I braced myself for the noise and chaos that I would inevitably encounter on Bourbon Street.

Setting Our Sights on God


We push it under the bed, sweep it under the rug, and bury it in the deep depths of our closets.

Don’t try to deny it, we are all guilty of it!

This was exactly what my sister, Beth, was doing while unpacking from a week-long trip. With a busy, chatty one-year-old, she doesn’t really have time to do too much organizing.

While stuffing some things away, she caught herself saying, “Out of sight, out of mind”.

How to Find Your Self-Worth in God

Have you ever felt as though you do not quite measure up?

When you look around, you can’t help but think that you are not as good-looking, happy, or successful as the rest of your peers.

Your clothes are not as nice, your marriage or relationship isn’t as strong, and you didn’t get that promotion.

Sometimes, it feels like it is just part of our nature to compare, conform, and crave the attainment of worldly standards.

How I Travel God's Creation Without My Sight

Some of my fondest childhood memories are of trips taken with my family.

To this day, my mind is filled with images of beautiful scenery and tales of exciting adventures. I am so thankful for all those special moments that can never be replaced. 

My husband, Seth, is also a travel fanatic. 

A few weeks ago, we returned from a trip to the United Kingdom.

It was our very first vacation abroad as a couple and Seth’s first time venturing out of the country. 

Spoiler alert…we had a blast!

Seeking Deliverance from Our Fears

I will never forget the very first time that I took a trip on my own after losing my sight. 

I was preparing to fly to Michigan to receive orientation and mobility training at Leader Dogs for the Blind. 

This organization does not only provide guide dogs to people who are blind or visually impaired, but they also teach such individuals how to navigate the world using a white cane (orientation and mobility training). This was the reason I was traveling there in 2016. 

I had barely been blind for a year, and this would be the first time I would be taking a trip on my own since losing my sight. 

Find Your Can

A question that I receive often is, “What does a normal day consist of for you and your guide dog?”

On an average morning, we are dropped off downtown where we will usually run by the coffee shop or head to my office to start working.

Work for my ministry usually consists of writing a blog or devotion, rehearsing a speech, conducting a Bible study, or having an encouragement session with someone either in person or over the phone.

All of which Jackson does not find too exciting, so he will settle in for a nap.

Throughout the day, Jackson and I may visit one of the local shops or grab a bite to eat at a nearby restaurant.

My Untold Sight Loss Journey - Part 2

In May of 2017, my mom, sister, and I took the trip of a lifetime to Hawaii.

While exploring the beautiful state, we had many adventures including hiking and ziplining.

On the beach, one day, my sister and I decided to try something that I had never done before sighted or blind… Kayaking in the ocean.

Kayaking is one of those activities that, while observing, looks easy, but once you are doing the paddling, you gain a whole new perspective.

Fixing Our Eyes on the Unseen

If you were to walk into my house, one of the first things that you would notice would be all the pictures.

Wedding pictures, engagement photos, snapshots from my travels, and photographs of family adorn the walls, shelves, and mantle.

I have always loved pictures. Before I lost my sight, and, yes, even after.

The one-year anniversary of my wedding is rapidly approaching, and one of my favorite things to do is to sit and look over all the pictures from our perfect day.

How do I do this without my sight you may be wondering?

Have I Lost My Purpose?

What was the hardest part about losing my sight suddenly at age 20?

There were so many challenges that accompanied the unexpected tragedy which occurred over 6 years ago.

Some of these hardships included losing my independence, having to adjust to a new way of living and engaging with the world, and enduring the frustrating search to find my purpose as someone with a disability.

Losing sight of my way, my plans for the future, and the purpose I thought I had for my life would be one of the hardest things I had to face.

At the time of my sight loss in 2015, I was on track to graduate college the following year, pursue a graduate degree, and begin a career in the field of Psychology.

In the blink of an eye, all of that disappeared and I no longer had a plan for what my life would be ten years down the road, let alone 10 months, weeks, or even days in the future.

How to Become More Connected with Christ

In the fall of 2020, I began the process of applying for a guide dog from Leader Dogs for the Blind.

I know what you’re probably thinking because I’ve heard it many times before… “You have to apply? Shouldn’t anyone who is blind automatically be qualified for a guide dog?”

Actually, this is far from the truth because there is a lot more that goes into using a dog as a mobility tool than simply grabbing hold of the harness handle and being led everywhere you want to go.

As the dog’s handler, it is your responsibility to give your dog directions such as where to go and when to cross the street. The dog’s only responsibility is to follow your directions and guide you there safely.

As a result, the application process ensures that you have an adequate level of orientation and mobility skills to work with your dog as a team and that you can properly care for and provide for your new furry companion.

Can I See God Through My Tears?

When I was 19 years old, about a year before I lost my sight, I took a trip with my parents to the Grand Canyon.

My dad and I were able to gaze upon the spectacular landscape from a unique vantage point on a helicopter ride.

Slightly terrifying? Yes! But the views were well worth the mild panic attack! It was one of the most wondrous things I have ever seen.

The Grand Canyon is one of those sights that just makes you think, “How in the world could someone not believe in God?”

How could something so beautiful and so spectacular simply arise by chance?

Stuck Between a Rock & a Hard Place

Have you ever found yourself in a tough situation?

One of those “between a rock and a hard place” kind of circumstances that just seem impossible to wriggle out of.

Let’s face it, some problems that we find ourselves faced with are simply impossible for us to change, no matter how hard we try.

My blindness, along with all of the struggles that accompany it, is one of those situations for me.

As much as I wish I could, I cannot bring my sight back.

It is a circumstance that I cannot change and if I’m being honest, this makes me pretty angry at times.

Ria Story, a leadership speaker, trainer, and author, says, “We cannot control what happens to us, but we can control how we respond to it.”

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

Have you ever looked at the world around you and simply wondered, “Why?”

Why is such a young person suffering from cancer?

Why is there so much trash on the television?

Why, when I turn on the news, is there yet another deadly tragedy?

Sometimes, all of the evil negativity that surrounds us can make it easy to also say, “Why would God allow this? Or even, “Why are you doing this God?”

Over the past six years, while struggling with my sight loss, I have been very tempted to question God.

Can I Win the Waiting Game?

They say, “Good things come to those who wait!”…but waiting can be so hard!

Whether you are striving for an end to a difficult season or are anticipating an exciting event, feeling like a player in the “waiting game” can be a struggle.

In my own life, I have been stuck in a “waiting season” for a few months.

I have some pretty exciting events that I am anticipating, and the sense of impatience is very real!

New Season: Exciting Life Update!

Spring is quickly approaching, and with it will come the changes and promises of a new season.

Flowers bloom, the weather gets warmer, and we can finally start to venture out of our cozy winter cocoon of blankets and fleece!

The weather is not the only thing that has been changing for me recently.

My life has been undergoing a season of change that has brought sad goodbyes, exciting new endeavors, and a whirlwind of emotions.

I wanted to let you in on what God has been teaching me through it all.